The Fabric of Christmas (2023) follows Amy Walker, a quilting teacher, and Liam Sullivan, a firefighter, as they come together to create a Christmas quilt for Liam’s sister’s wedding. Amidst the holiday preparations, their unexpected romance faces challenges, particularly Liam’s plans to travel to South America. The movie beautifully weaves themes of love, family traditions, and community, making it a heartwarming and festive tale perfect for the holiday season.
Happy Thanksgiving – wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. #thanksgiving
Veterans Day – a day to honor the many men and women who served our country. #VeteransDay
South Fentress Community Park Barn Quilt is a barn quilt located in Clarkrange, TN.
Riceville Barn Quilt is a barn quilt located in Riceville, TN.
Englewood Cow Quilt Block is a quilt block with a cow on it located in Englewood, TN.
Greenback Barn Quilt is a barn quilt along Hwy 411 in Greenback, TN.
Pin Cushion Costume this person dressed up as a pin cushion for Halloween.
Pincushion Pumpkin — here is a pumpkin done up like a sewing pincushion.
Shirk’s Goat Farm Finds Barn Quilts — this stop has multiple barn quilts on it. This is located in Greenback, TN off 411.