
Steve Sews Stuff

Steve Sews Stuff! zipper pouches, bowl cozies, Scrunchies, pocket tissue holders, rice hand warmers, aprons, decorative pillows, fidget marble mazes, Christmas Stockings, baked potato zappers, pot holders, face masks, quilting and other sewing projects that Steve Sews. Plus Steve blogs about sewing and quilting and other things. Plus blogs about sewing and quilting and other things.

Aromatherapy and Face Masks

Aromatherapy and Face Masks – You can use essential oils to help with making wearing a face mask more comfortable. #EssentialOils #FaceMasks #Aromatheraphy

Walmart Will Require Face Masks to Shop Inside

Walmart Will Require Face Masks to Shop Inside – The same applies to the Sam’s Club. #Walmart #SamsClub #FaceMasks From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our focus and priority has been and continues to be on the health and safety of our associates, members and customers.

Knox County Public Library to Reopen Entire System

Knox County Public Library to Reopen Entire System on July 17, 2020 – On July 17, 2020 all locations of the Knox County Public Library will open on their regular schedules. This move expands library service from its current schedule with eight open locations. There are 19 facilities in the library system, which includes the East Tennessee History Center. The remaining 67 employees who have been furloughed will be brought back to work.

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