How to create an on-the-go handwashing kit – An on-the-go handwashing kit that includes the following items is easy to carry and makes for an effective way to wash your hands while on the road this fall.
Different Types of Masks – There are many kinds of face masks available out there. Here is a list of some types of masks that you will come across.
How to clean and sanitize a backpack – Backpacks are useful tools for students and adults alike. From hiking supplies to school books to sports equipment, backpacks can store just about anything. As veritable workhorses, they’re bound to get dirty and can benefit from periodic cleaning.
Aromatherapy and Face Masks – You can use essential oils to help with making wearing a face mask more comfortable. #EssentialOils #FaceMasks #Aromatheraphy
Use A Pencil Bag to Store Extra Face Masks – Never be without a face mask with all of these face covering mandates. #FaceMasks
Use a lingerie bag to wash your face masks
Suicide and social distancing – Suicide poses a significant threat every year, but that threat might be even greater in 2020.
Safely shop for groceries while social distancing – a few simple strategies can help shoppers stay safe as they shop for groceries.
Famous Masks in History – in History masks have been used even in movies and TV shows. Here is a list of famous masks. #FamousMasks
Hanging face masks – Here is how we hand up our face masks using hooks on the wall.