Sunbonnet Sue is one of the most recognizable and beloved quilt blocks of all time. This classic design features a little girl with a bonnet, dress, and apron, often holding a basket or flowers. The image of Sunbonnet Sue has been used in quilts for over a century, and it remains a popular choice for quilters of all levels today. #sunbonnet #sunbonnetsue
Knob Creek Barn Quilt – located at the Corner of West Oakland Avenue and Denny Mill Road in Johnson City, TN #barnquilt
Knob Creek Historical Museum Barn Quilt – is a quilt block on a building in Johnson city, TN.
Thompson Park Barbourville Barn Quilt Blocks – this park in Barbourville, Kentucky has some metal quilt blocks along the sidewalk edge of the park. #BarbourvilleKY
Types of Barn Quilts – Barn quilts come in various types, and here are some of the most common types. #barnquilts Types of Barn Quilts
Gray Kentucky Barn Quilt this barn quilt in Gray, Kentucky features Sunbonnet Sue. #GrayKY #BarnQuilt #SunbonnetSue
180 days in a row for a blog post on Steve Sews Stuff. That is just over half a year! #180
Flat Lick Elementary Quilt Barn – located in Flat Lick, Kentucky, this elementary school has two barn quilt blocks on the school building. #FlatLickKY
Hulls Mill Road Barn Quilt a barn quilt we saw in Talbott, Tennessee. #barnquilt
New Harvest Farmer’s Market Barn Quilt is a double barn quilt. #barnquilt #knoxville