Moses wore a face covering, a veil to protect those who were to look at him to interact with him.
Knoxville now mandates masks and calls it COVID-19 Face Covering Regulation. #Knoxville #Covid19
Nashville Mandates Face Masks – The Metro Nashville area now has mandated the use of face masks in public. Metro Health Department has released the details of its order requiring facial coverings in Nashville.
Mayor Kincannon Mandates Masks Inside City-Owned Buildings – Mayor Indya Kincannon has signed an executive order mandating masks be worn inside all City-owned buildings.
How to clean cloth face masks – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Even as the world begins to unpause, wearing masks seems likely to continue.
Wearing a face mask is not showing fear – It actually is the opposite. It shows your concern for others around you! #FaceMask
No Shoes, No Shirt and No Mask No Service, the new sign we will see at businesses entrances. #NoMask #NoService #NoMaskNoService
How to wear cloth face mask – In recognition that the notion of wearing face coverings while in public is foreign to many people, the CDC issued instructions on how to wear such coverings to ensure they provide as much protection as possible. #FaceMask
How to Prevent Eye Glasses From Fogging when wearing a mask
The Age of the Mask – often a mask is used to obscure your identity, but they are also made for protection (Physically, Emotional and Spiritually) #Mask