Safe ways to celebrate the Super Bowl

Safe ways to celebrate the Super Bowl – It likely will be even more difficult for diehard fans to attend the Super Bowl in person. Here are some ways to safely celebrate while enjoying the game. #SuperBowl

TSA to implement Executive Order regarding face masks at airport security checkpoints and throughout the transportation network

TSA to implement Executive Order regarding face masks at airport security checkpoints and throughout the transportation network

CDC requires wearing of face masks while on public transportation and at transportation hubs

CDC requires wearing of face masks while on public transportation and at transportation hubs – As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge in the United States, CDC is implementing provisions of President Biden’s Executive Order.

COVID Mask Parody to Monster Mash

COVID Mask Parody to Monster Mash – a Great parody about COVID and face masks from the Song Monster Mash with lyrics by Dale Officer. #MonsterMash #COVIDMask #Parody COVID Mask Parody to Monster Mash This parody was published July 30, 2020, on YouTube, and I am not hearing it in January of 2021. So I […]

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