Quilt Alley at the General Morgan Inn – this is one spot you can see multiple quilt blocks along the Downtown Greeneville Follow the Quilt Trail. #QuiltTrail #GeneralMorganInn #QuiltAlley
Trip Around the World (variation) – a quilt block on the Downtown Greeneville Follow the Quilt Trail. #QuiltTrail GreenevilleTN #TripAroundtheWorld #World #QuiltBlock
Sesquicentennial Crazy Quilt – a quilt block on the Downtown Greeneville Follow the Quilt Trail. #QuiltTrail GreenevilleTN #SesquicentennialCrazyQuilt
Little Woman Quilt Shop Awarded Most Popular and Exciting Booth at the Original Quilting & Sewing Expo #littlewomenquiltshop #quiltexpo #quiltshow
March is Quilting Month! #Quilt #QuiltingMonth A month to celebrate and honor quilts! #QuiltMonth
Sawtooth Circle – a quilt block on the Downtown Greeneville Follow the Quilt Trail. #QuiltTrail GreenevilleTN #SawtoothCircle
Sallie Rose Bohannon Quilt Painting – you can see this painting Ali g the Downtown Greeneville Quilt Trail. It actually is with one of the stops. #SallieBohannon #SallyBohannon #GreenevilleTN
Liberty Star – a quilt block on the Downtown Greeneville Follow the Quilt Trail. #QuiltTrail GreenevilleTN #LibertyStar
Quilting jokes – List of jokes relating to quilting. #Quilting #Jokes #QuiltingJokes
Snowball – a quilt block on the Downtown Greeneville Follow the Quilt Trail. #QuiltTrail GreenevilleTN #Snowball