Meet Mendi

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Meet Mendi my wife’s sewing machine.

Meet Mendi

Meet Mendi my wife’s sewing machine. She is my wife’s Brother SQ9285 Computerized Sewing Machine and she named her, Mendi because of mending clothes or stuff you sew and also from Mindy on Animaniacs.

She is my wife’s Brother SQ9285 Computerized Sewing Machine and she named her, Mendi because of mending clothes or stuff you sew and also from Mindy on Animaniacs.

I get to use her too. Mendi could also be the sewing machine that sews stuff for Steve Sews.

June 29 is Name your Sewing Machine Day a day to name your sewing machine.

My other sewing machines has names …

What have you named your sewing machine?

Feel free to share in the comments below.

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Steve Sews Stuff! zipper pouches, bowl cozies, Scrunchies, pocket tissue holders, rice hand warmers, aprons, decorative pillows, fidget marble mazes, Christmas Stockings, baked potato zappers, pot holders, face masks, quilting and other sewing projects that Steve Sews. Plus Steve blogs about sewing and quilting and other things. Plus blogs about sewing and quilting and other things.

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  1. avatar
    StitchingGrandma says:

    I have names for two of my machines, my featherweight is named Bessie, for my grandmother. My Janome 11000 is named SKIP, for the dear friend I purchased it from. My others lack names. We do have a pool cleaning turtle, the first one was Stuyvesant, The 2nd one was Earl, and the newest one is Sheldon. We figure the pool cleaning turtle is much like a butler and they deserve a name because they work so hard. Time to think about naming the other sewing machines! Does your car have a name? I have had Myrtle, she got her name when she hit 100,000 miles. Last I heard she was still going. My newest car is “The Bee” short for Queen Bee. Hubby doesn’t name his!

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