South Fentress Community Park Barn Quilt is a barn quilt located in Clarkrange, TN.
Riceville Barn Quilt is a barn quilt located in Riceville, TN.
Greenback Barn Quilt is a barn quilt along Hwy 411 in Greenback, TN.
Shirk’s Goat Farm Finds Barn Quilts — this stop has multiple barn quilts on it. This is located in Greenback, TN off 411.
Quilt Block by Redbud Kitchen located at Sevier Ave. in Knoxville features a barn quilt. Quilt Block by Redbud Kitchen The barn quilt in the image is a Bear’s Paw quilt pattern. It features a central square surrounded by eight triangles that resemble bear’s paws. This pattern is known for its simplicity and striking appearance. […]
Deep Springs Discount Fabric Store — Here is a neat rustic looking fabric shop located in Dandridge, TN.
Morgan County Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center Barn Quilt features a friendship star design on the quilt block. #MorganCounty
Patriot Resale and Collectibles Barn Quilts located in Jefferson City, Tennessee has two barn quilts one on each end. #barnquilt
USS Tennessee Barn Quilt — This barn quilt is located at the World War II Remembrance Museum USS Tennessee (BB43) located in Huntsville, TN. #usstennessee #barnquilt
Bovine Weathervane Barn Quilt is a quilt block with a cow and the weathervane style on it. It is located in New Market, TN.