Patriot Resale and Collectibles Barn Quilts located in Jefferson City, Tennessee has two barn quilts one on each end. #barnquilt
Jefferson City Senior Center Quilt Barn Jefferson City Senior Center Quilt Barn
Chuckey Pike & Cameron Road Barn Quilt – this barn quilt is located in Jefferson City, TN.
Coile Road Barn Quilt is a blog post about a barn quilt in Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Dumplin Valley Barn Quilt is a blog post about a barn quilt near Mount Horeb Elementary in Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Thomas Heating & Cooling Barn Quilt this business has a barn quilt on the side of their building. #barnquilt
Mt. Horeb Barn Quilt in Jefferson City, TN.
Glenmore Mansion Sewing Machine – this mansion you can tour has an antique sewing machine on display. #GlenmoreMansion #SewingMachine
Mossy Creek Wine & Spirts Barn Quilt – this barn quilt is on the side of the Mossy Creek Wine & Spirits in Jefferson City, TN. #barnquilt
Jefferson City Hwy 92 Barn Quilt – This is Just North of Echo Valley Corn Maze on the left heading North.