Grainger County Barn Quilt a quilt barn located in Grainger County, Tennessee. #barnquilt
Corbin Barn Quilt – this barn quilt is in the Corbin, Kentucky area. #corbin #corbinky #barnquilt
I-81 Mile Marker 54 Barn Quilt #barnquilt This barn quilt is exactly at mile marker 54 on Interstate 81 South in Tennessee. This is in the Jonesborough, Falls Branch, Kingsport area.
Lakeshore Drive Barn Quilts in Grainger County, TN. Within 7 miles, you can see 5 Barn Quilts. #barnquilt #quiltbarn
Mt. Horeb Barn Quilt in Jefferson City, TN.
Piedmont General Store Barn Quilt – this barn quilt is in the Piedmont Community of Dandridge, TN and features Overall Bill on the quilt block. #OverallBill #BarnQuilt #PiedmontGeneralStore
Mossy Creek Wine & Spirts Barn Quilt – this barn quilt is on the side of the Mossy Creek Wine & Spirits in Jefferson City, TN. #barnquilt
Clinch Mountain Barn Quilt – This is on Hwy 25E on the right if heading North near the Marathon gas station in Thorn Hill. #ClinchMountain #BarnQuilt #ThornHillTN
Grainger County Hwy 92 Barn Quilt – This one North On the left on Highway 92 just a bit before you get to 11E. #GraingerCounty #BarnQuilt
Jefferson City Hwy 92 Barn Quilt – This is Just North of Echo Valley Corn Maze on the left heading North.