Yellow is a primary color, which means that it cannot be created by mixing other colors. It is often used in combination with other colors, such as blue to create green, or red to create orange. #yellow
Steve Sews Stuff! Bowl cozies, zipper pouches, wrist key fob keychain lanyard, Scrunchies, pocket tissue holders, decorative pillows, quilting and other sewing projects that Steve Sews. Plus Steve blogs about sewing and quilting and other things.
Steve Sews Stuff! Bowl cozies, zipper pouches, wrist key fob keychain lanyard, Scrunchies, pocket tissue holders, decorative pillows, quilting and other sewing projects that Steve Sews. Plus Steve blogs about sewing and quilting and other things.
Yellow is a primary color, which means that it cannot be created by mixing other colors. It is often used in combination with other colors, such as blue to create green, or red to create orange. #yellow