Quilting · Sheets

Should You Use a Sheet for Backing on a Quilt? Pros and Cons

Should You Use a Sheet for Backing on a Quilt? Pros and Cons — When it comes to quilting, the backing fabric plays a crucial role in the overall look, feel, and durability of your masterpiece. While traditional quilting cotton is the go-to choice for many quilters, using a sheet as backing has become a popular alternative. But is it a wise choice? Let’s explore the pros and cons of using a sheet for backing on a quilt.

Fabrics · Sewing · Sheets

Using printed cotton sheets instead of fabric

Using printed cotton sheets instead of fabric – One unique and budget-friendly avenue to explore is the use of printed cotton sheets and pillowcases as an alternative to traditional fabric bolts. These household staples not only offer a wide array of captivating designs but also present a sustainable and cost-effective solution for your creative endeavors.