Face Mask

Face Masks Humor Memes Part 1

Face Masks Humor Memes Part 1 – Here are some Face Masks Memes for you to enjoy.

Face Masks Humor Memes Part 1

After all, we got to have humor in wearing face masks or even face masks mandates. That humor could often help with the comfort or ease of wearing a face mask. So enjoy these memes below!

Face Masks Humor Memes Part 1 - Here are some Face Masks Memes for you to enjoy.

This is part 1. I plan to share more in a future post! In Part 1, I show you six memes on face masks.

There are ones I found while doing a quick google image search. Stay tuned as I plan to find more and share more.

I like the one that says coughy filter made with a coffee filter.

Who doesn’t like bacon? Those bacon masks are awesome! But I don’t think people would be wearing them, I think they will be eating them.

Now that Anti-Virus CD mask was awesome using it as a mask to protect against a virus, the CoronaVirus COVID-91.

Now I like the lettuce face mask meme too. Romaine Calm, lettuce come together as this is just the tip of the iceberg. Using words that sound the same. (Remain Calm, let us come together, as this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Of course this summer going to the lake, camping and the beach, wearing a mask, the new tan line will be the face mask tan line.

Then if you have watched The Mask, that is one of the famous masks listed in a previous blog post.

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Have a funny face mask meme that you saw? Feel free to let us know and we might add it on a future post with more.

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