Christmas · Pocket Tissue Holders

‘Tis the Season to be Sniffy: Stay Prepared with a Pocket Tissue Holder from Steve Sews

‘Tis the Season to be Sniffy: Stay Prepared with a Pocket Tissue Holder from Steve Sews – As winter’s chill settles in and the holiday

Scrunchies · Sewing · Shopping · Social Media

Seamless Shopping Experience: Check Out on, Etsy, Instagram, or Facebook!

Seamless Shopping Experience: Check Out on, Etsy, Instagram, or Facebook!

bowl cozies · Craft Fairs · Pocket Tissue Holders · Sewing · Zipper Pouch

Used my vacation to make inventory

Used my vacation to make inventory for an upcoming event and to have listed right here in Steve Sews. I sewed bowl cozies, zipper pouches and pocket tissue holders.

Pocket Tissue Holders · Sewing

Pocket tissue holders are a convenient and practical accessory

Pocket tissue holders are a convenient and practical accessory that can make life easier for anyone on the go. Whether you’re commuting to work, traveling, or simply running errands, having a tissue holder in your pocket or purse can ensure that you always have a tissue on hand when you need it.

For Sale · gift cards · Pocket Business Card Holder · Pocket Tissue Holders

Pocket Tissue Holders For Sale

Pocket Tissue Holders For Sale a great to have not only can you carry tissues in them, but also business cards or even gift cards.

gift cards · Pocket Tissue Holders

Pocket Tissue Holders can hold gift cards

Pocket Tissue Holders can hold gift cards – not only can you use a pocket tissue holder to hold tissue and business cards, but also your gift cards. #giftcards