
Hurray for Buttons Day

Hurray for Buttons Day, Hooray for Buttons Day – buttons and buttons a day to be happy about buttons. #HurrayForButtonsDay #HoorayForButtonsDay

Hurray for Buttons Day

A button is used to fasten. Often see them on dress shirts. Often have two or four holes to sew them on with.

Pexels photo - Hurray for Buttons Day, Hooray for Buttons Day - buttons and buttons a day to be happy about buttons. #HurrayForButtonsDay #HoorayForButtonsDay

This day is held annually on May 9th.

Buttons can be used for crafts, clothing and for collecting.

Hurray for Buttons Day is a whimsical celebration that honors the humble button, a small but significant accessory that has fastened not only our clothes but also a place in history. This delightful holiday is observed annually on May 9th.

A Brief History of Buttons

Buttons have been a part of human civilization for thousands of years, with the oldest known button dating back to 5000 B.C. from the Indus River Valley, made from a curved shell. However, it wasn’t until the 13th century that buttons were used as fasteners, a concept that originated in Germany and then spread throughout Europe.

Types of buttons

The Art and Craft of Buttons

Originally made by artisans and craftspeople from raw materials or found objects like fossils, buttons today are produced in large quantities from various materials such as hard plastic, metals, seashells, or wood. The materials often reflect the popular materials of the era they were made in.

Button Collecting: A Popular Hobby

Button collecting is a popular hobby in the United States, with enthusiasts gathering buttons for future use, casual collecting, or competitive collecting. The National Button Society, formed after a hobby show in Chicago, now has over 3,000 members across four continents and focuses on educational research, exhibitions, and the preservation of buttons’ significance.

Celebrating Hurray for Buttons Day

To celebrate, you can start your own button collection, experimenting with different colors and sizes. Wearing something with buttons is another great way to honor the day. And if you’re lucky enough to have a button show nearby, it’s a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of buttons.

Here’s a little poem to get into the spirit of Hurray for Buttons Day:

Buttons, buttons, on the shirt, Tiny, shiny, or covered in dirt. Fastened tight or hanging loose, Each one tells its own story's truth. From the coat of a soldier, brave and stern, To the dress of a child, with so much to learn. A button's journey is wide and vast, A silent witness to the present and past. So let's celebrate with joy and fun, Hurray for Buttons Day, everyone! Gather 'round, collectors, seamstresses, all, And honor the button, no matter how small.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just someone who appreciates the functional beauty of buttons, Hurray for Buttons Day is the perfect time to celebrate this timeless and essential accessory. Enjoy the festivities!


First published May 3, 2022. Last republished May 9, 2024.

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