Fabrics · Organization · Storage

Using Plastic Containers to Store Your Fabric Stash: A Practical and Organized Solution

Using Plastic Containers to Store Your Fabric Stash: A Practical and Organized Solution – For sewing enthusiasts and crafters, building a collection of beautiful fabrics is an exciting and fulfilling hobby. However, without proper storage solutions, your fabric stash can quickly become a tangled mess, making it difficult to find what you need and leading to frustration. That’s where plastic containers come to the rescue! In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using plastic containers to store your fabric stash and share some practical tips for organizing and maintaining a tidy sewing space.

Using Plastic Containers to Store Your Fabric Stash: A Practical and Organized Solution

Using Plastic Containers to Store Your Fabric Stash: A Practical and Organized Solution - For sewing enthusiasts and crafters, building a collection of beautiful fabrics is an exciting and fulfilling hobby. However, without proper storage solutions, your fabric stash can quickly become a tangled mess, making it difficult to find what you need and leading to frustration. That's where plastic containers come to the rescue! In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of using plastic containers to store your fabric stash and share some practical tips for organizing and maintaining a tidy sewing space.

Benefits of Plastic Containers:

  1. Protection from Dust and Moisture: One of the primary advantages of using plastic containers is that they provide a protective barrier against dust, dirt, and moisture. Fabrics, especially delicate ones, are prone to damage when exposed to these elements over time. By storing your fabrics in sealed plastic containers, you can significantly reduce the risk of discoloration, mildew, and overall deterioration, preserving their quality for future projects.
  2. Easy Visibility and Accessibility: Plastic containers are available in various shapes and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect option for your fabric storage needs. Transparent or semi-transparent containers allow you to see the contents at a glance, eliminating the need to rummage through piles or bins. This promotes better organization and saves you valuable time when searching for the perfect fabric for your next project.
  1. Stackable and Space-Efficient: Another advantage of plastic containers is their stackability. By neatly stacking containers, you can maximize your storage space vertically, freeing up precious floor or shelf space. This is especially beneficial if you have a growing fabric collection or a small sewing area. Additionally, plastic containers are lightweight, making them easy to move and rearrange as needed.

Tips for Organizing Your Fabric Stash:

  1. Sort and Categorize: Begin by sorting your fabric stash into categories based on color, pattern, fabric type, or project theme. This will make it easier to locate specific fabrics later on. Consider using dividers or separate containers for different categories to maintain organization.
  2. Fold and Label: Properly folding your fabrics can prevent wrinkles and make them more manageable to store. Aim for uniform folds, either in small rectangles or by folding selvage to selvage. Once folded, label each container with the fabric category or any other relevant information. Labels can be handwritten or printed for clarity.
  3. Utilize Inserts and Dividers: To keep fabrics neatly stacked and prevent them from shifting, consider using inserts or dividers within the containers. These can be made from foam board, cardboard, or even fabric-covered cardboard. Inserts help maintain the fabric’s shape and prevent creases, ensuring that your collection remains in pristine condition.
Using Plastic Containers to Store Your Fabric Stash: A Practical and Organized Solution - For sewing enthusiasts and crafters, building a collection of beautiful fabrics is an exciting and fulfilling hobby. However, without proper storage solutions, your fabric stash can quickly become a tangled mess, making it difficult to find what you need and leading to frustration. That's where plastic containers come to the rescue! In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of using plastic containers to store your fabric stash and share some practical tips for organizing and maintaining a tidy sewing space.
Some of Steve’s fabric in plastic totes
  1. Prioritize Accessibility: Consider storing frequently used fabrics or those currently in progress in easily accessible containers. This way, you won’t have to disrupt your entire fabric stash when working on a project. Reserve less frequently used fabrics for higher shelves or lower priority storage areas.
  2. Maintain a Clean and Dry Environment: While plastic containers provide protection, it’s essential to store your fabric stash in a clean and dry environment. Avoid areas prone to moisture or extreme temperature fluctuations. Regularly inspect your storage space for any signs of pests, humidity, or leaks to ensure your fabrics remain in optimal condition.


Using plastic containers to store your fabric stash is an excellent way to keep your collection organized, protected, and easily accessible. With their ability to safeguard fabrics from dust, moisture, and sunlight, plastic containers provide a practical storage solution for sewing enthusiasts. By implementing the tips mentioned above, you can transform your sewing space into a tidy and efficient area where creativity can flourish. So, invest in some plastic containers today and embark on a journey towards a beautifully organized and inspiring fabric stash that will ignite your creativity and make your sewing projects a breeze. Remember to sort, fold, label, and utilize dividers to maintain an organized system. Prioritize accessibility and keep your storage environment clean and dry to ensure the longevity of your fabrics.

With plastic containers, you can bid farewell to the days of digging through piles of fabrics and welcome a well-organized and efficient sewing space. So, take the plunge, invest in some plastic containers, and enjoy the benefits of a tidy fabric stash that will fuel your sewing endeavors for years to come.

Happy sewing!

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2 thoughts on “Using Plastic Containers to Store Your Fabric Stash: A Practical and Organized Solution

  1. I use plastic containers, and size them based on my shelving. The bigger containers go on the bottom shelf, and the shorter ones can be double stacked. Word of caution to people starting out, fabric gets HEAVY fast! Think about lifting bigger containers over your head onto shelves and you will discover just how heavy it is. I sort mine by color, and use my 6″ x 24 ” ruler to fold my fabric. It makes nice neat stacks in the container.

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