Sewing · Sewing Machines

Pasta Sewing Machine

Pasta Sewing Machine – here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.

Pasta Sewing Machine

Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Artist unknown

The artist is unknown, I saw this online, if anyone knows, please let us know so we can give proper credit.

I love pasta dishes and sewing and this beautiful art was so awesome I had to share.

I kind of think that image might be AI-Generated art. AI-generated art refers to artworks created with the assistance or entirely by artificial intelligence algorithms. AI-generated art can take various forms, including visual art, music, poetry, and even literature. Artists and researchers use AI algorithms to explore new creative possibilities, push the boundaries of traditional art forms, and generate unique and novel artworks that may not have been possible through traditional means.

Algo App

So I went to Algo App, an AI Art generator and asked it to generate “Sewing machine made from pasta noodles” on the 8 choices and this is the results. That is the same app, used to generate some of the creative sewing and quilting stories posted on Steve Sews.

  1. Digital Art
  2. Pixel Art
  3. Unreal
  4. Van Gosh
  5. Sketch
  6. Fictional Character
  7. 3D Render
  8. Retro

Notice one thing with the Al-Generated art, it brands most of the sewing machines as “Pasta”.

Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.

Wonder App

The image below were AI generated from the Wonder app using the same phrase that I did the above.

Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.
Pasta Sewing Machine - here is a creative sewing machine art made with all kinds of pasta noodles.

Check back, I might add more I generate with other apps or I find online.

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Clipart: UnsplashPixabayPexelsOpenverseAdobe ExpressAdobe StockFreePikMetroCreative, Wonder AI, Algo AI and more. This site uses Amazon Affiliate Ads & Google Ads.

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