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Uses for aluminum foil

Uses for aluminum foil – aluminum foil can be used for more than cooking. Here is a list of other ways to use aluminum foil. #aluminumfoil

Uses for aluminum foil

Uses for aluminum foil - aluminum foil can be used for more than cooking. Here is a list of other ways to use aluminum foil. #aluminumfoil
  1. Solar oven (used to cook outside while camping)
  2. Blackout windows (helps keep homes cool and block heat coming in your home in the hot summer)
  3. Polish silverware
  1. Foiling your hair (way to add color highlights)
  2. Soften brown sugar
  3. Dish Scrubber (help clean pots and pans, don’t use pots and pans where coating could come off)
  4. Funnel to drain things to another
  5. Move furniture
  6. Increase Antenna signal
  7. Prevent white spotting on dishes in a dish washer – wadding up a ball of aluminum foil and toss in with your load
  8. Clean the grill
  9. Grill drip pan
  10. Fishing lures
  11. Sun box for plants
  12. Fix loose batteries
  13. Relieve muscle pain
  14. Scare away birds
  15. Keep matches dry
  16. Conceal credit card (RFID chips)
  17. Help with ironing
  18. Protects pie crusts
  1. Line painter rolling pans
  2. Keep paint brush wet
  3. Oven cleaner
  4. Shine chrome
  5. wrap things up (instead of wrapping paper)
  6. sharpen scissors
  7. Piping bag
  8. Jewelry cleaner
  9. Keep food warm
  10. Paint protector – use it to wrap around something you don’t want painted, while you paint
  11. Make a frying pan using aluminum foil
  12. Reflect light in photography and videography

I’ve not tested these, but ones I have found online of people have shared with me.

What some other uses for aluminum foil?

Feel free to share in the comments.

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