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Use a Pool Noodle to Store Your Quilt

Use a Pool Noodle to Store Your Quilt – Storing quilts can be a challenge, especially when you want to keep them safe and prevent them from getting creased or damaged. While a pool noodle might not be the most conventional storage solution, it can certainly be repurposed creatively. Here’s a suggestion on how you can use a pool noodle to store your quilts:

Use a Pool Noodle to Store Your Quilt

Use a Pool Noodle to Store Your Quilt - Storing quilts can be a challenge, especially when you want to keep them safe and prevent them from getting creased or damaged. While a pool noodle might not be the most conventional storage solution, it can certainly be repurposed creatively. Here's a suggestion on how you can use a pool noodle to store your quilts:

Materials you’ll need:

  1. Pool noodle(s) – the number will depend on the size and quantity of your quilts.
  1. Fabric or cotton pillowcases (optional)
  2. Scissors
  3. Rubber bands or zip ties (optional)


  1. Clean the pool noodle: Make sure your pool noodle is clean and free of any dirt or debris. Rinse it with water if necessary and let it dry.
  2. Fold and roll the quilts: Take one of your quilts and carefully fold it neatly. Start rolling the quilt from one end, making a tight roll. Continue rolling until you reach the other end. Repeat this process for all your quilts.
  3. Prepare the pool noodle: Cut the pool noodle into sections that are slightly longer than the width of your rolled quilts. The number of sections will depend on how many quilts you have.
  4. Slide the rolled quilts onto the pool noodle: Place one end of the rolled quilt onto the end of a pool noodle section and carefully slide it onto the noodle, pushing it towards the center. Repeat this step for each quilt, stacking them on the noodle.
  5. Secure the quilts (optional): If you want added protection or stability, you can secure the quilts on the noodle. Wrap a fabric or cotton pillowcase around the entire pool noodle, covering the rolled quilts. Secure the ends of the pillowcase with rubber bands or zip ties.
  6. Store the quilt-filled pool noodles: Find a suitable storage space for your quilt-filled pool noodles, such as a closet, under the bed, or on a shelf. Make sure the area is dry, clean, and away from excessive heat or sunlight.

You can often find these cheap at the Dollar Tree for $1.25.

By using pool noodles, you create a soft, cylindrical support system that helps prevent your quilts from creasing or bending. Additionally, the pool noodle’s lightweight nature makes it easy to move and rearrange your quilt storage as needed. Remember to periodically check on your quilts to ensure they remain in good condition.

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2 thoughts on “Use a Pool Noodle to Store Your Quilt

  1. Steve, the pool noodle idea is lightweight and genius! I had seen other bloggers talk about rolling their quilts onto PVC which I priced and THAT is not in my price range. Excellent information! Thank you!

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