Comfort Cases · Quilting · Sewing

Comfort Cases: Empowering Foster Children with Dignity and Support

Comfort Cases: Empowering Foster Children with Dignity and Support – Comfort Cases, a non-profit organization founded by Rob Scheer, aims to make a positive impact on the lives of children in foster care. This organization is dedicated to providing comfort and support to these children during a challenging time in their lives. In this blog post, we will explore the mission of Comfort Cases, the significance of their work, and the ways in which they are making a difference in the lives of foster children. #comfortcases

Comfort Cases: Empowering Foster Children with Dignity and Support

On my other blog, Courageous Christian Father, I wrote a blog post on Donating Luggage to your local foster care agency which goes on the same premise, but Comfort Cases go beyond that with much more included …

The Start of Comfort Cases:

Rob Scheer, a former foster child himself, founded Comfort Cases in 2013 with a deeply personal mission. Having experienced the foster care system, Scheer recognized the lack of dignity and compassion in the process. His own difficult experiences fueled a desire to create a positive change for children going through similar circumstances.

Children who have learned that they are unimportant receive new things of their own. Toiletries and dental supplies communicate the importance of self-care and self-worth. The stuffed toy and blanket help soothe and comfort. The book provides a healthy distraction and intuitively teaches an important component of stress management. The journal and coloring book help to calm distressing feelings.

– Suzanne Friedman, Ph.D

The Mission:

Comfort Cases is on a mission to replace the often-used trash bags that children in foster care use to carry their belongings. The organization provides children with a Comfort Case—a durable, personalized backpack filled with essential items to meet their basic needs. These cases include items like pajamas, toiletries, a stuffed animal, and a blanket (or quilt), offering a sense of security and comfort during a challenging transition.

Dignity and Empowerment:

One of the core principles of Comfort Cases is to restore a sense of dignity and empowerment to foster children. By replacing trash bags with thoughtfully packed backpacks, the organization sends a powerful message: these children deserve to be treated with respect and care. The personalized touch of each Comfort Case, along with the essentials it contains, serves as a reminder that someone cares about them and their well-being.

Community Involvement:

Comfort Cases recognizes the importance of community involvement in creating a positive impact. The organization actively encourages individuals and groups to participate in packing events, where volunteers assemble Comfort Cases for distribution. This collaborative effort not only supports the cause but also raises awareness about the challenges faced by children in foster care.

The Ripple Effect:

The impact of Comfort Cases extends beyond the immediate recipients. By addressing a critical need in the foster care system, the organization inspires compassion and empathy within communities. The ripple effect of their work contributes to a broader conversation about the well-being of children in foster care and the collective responsibility to create positive change.

Packed full of goodies

A Comfort Case typically includes essential items to provide comfort and meet the basic needs of foster children. These items may include pajamas, toiletries, a stuffed animal, a blanket, and other necessities aimed at offering a sense of security and care during a challenging transition. The contents may vary, but the goal is to provide personalized and thoughtful items to bring comfort to the children.

Add a quilt instead of a blanket

Quilts Beyond Borders has a great idea, to adding a quilt instead of just any blanket to help give extra comfort to these children entering into foster care. Giving the child something unique and made with love can help show that child(ren) that there are people who care and notice them during this trying and difficult time. Which they help to provide quilts small enough to fit in each pack.


Comfort Cases is not just providing physical comfort; it’s offering hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging to children navigating the challenges of foster care. Through the dedication of its founder, volunteers, and supporters, this organization is making a profound difference in the lives of countless children, one Comfort Case at a time.

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