DIY · Sewing

Glide in Style: Custom Recovered Glider Cushions

Glide in Style: Custom Recovered Glider Cushions – we have a glider that needed new covers that go over the cushions to a glider we have. So I figured I would go blind and make some. I measured the size of the cushions. Then cut fabric and sewed. No template or pattern. I used an old cotton shower curtain of ours.

Glide in Style: Custom Recovered Glider Cushions

Glide in Style: Custom Recovered Glider Cushions - we have a glider that needed new covers that go over the cushions to a glider we have. So I figured I would go blind and make some. I measured the size of the cushions.  Then cut fabric and sewed. No template or pattern. I used an old cotton shower curtain of ours.

Yes, you read that right, I didn’t sew using a template or a pattern. I just simply had the concept in my head from seeing what cushions look like on the couch. Did them that way. They would need the top and bottom and the four side walls. (One of those sides is the zipper area).

So this was a DIY on my own. I think it turned out well.

The cushions were just under 23″ wide x 24″ long x 4″ deep. I used that to make my panels. I cut the old cotton shower curtain for this project. For both cushions, you have two, the seat, and the backrest.

Recovered glider cushions
  • 4 – 23″ x 24″
  • 3 – 24″ x 4″
  • 3 – 23″ x 4″
  • 2 – 23″ x 2.5″ (zipper area)
  • 24″ Inch Zipper

Then, I just got on the sewing machine and began piecing the pieces together. Then turn it outright. (Make sure the zipper is halfway unzipped!)

Steve sewing the glider cushions together.

I do think I made the cushions a little too big, but it is a tad big. Better bigger than they not fit.

Recovered the cushions on our glider and our kitten likes it

MissPrints our new kitten, likes the new recovered cushions.

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