Bobbins · Sewing Machines

Sewing Machine Bobbins

Sewing Machine Bobbins – Sewing machines have been an essential tool for making clothing, quilts, and other fabric items for centuries. The sewing machine has undergone many changes over the years, with new technologies improving their efficiency and performance. However, one part of the sewing machine that remains the same is the bobbin.

Sewing Machine Bobbins

Sewing machines have been an essential tool for making clothing, quilts, and other fabric items for centuries. The sewing machine has undergone many changes over the years, with new technologies improving their efficiency and performance. However, one part of the sewing machine that remains the same is the bobbin.

The bobbin is a small, cylindrical plastic or metal piece that holds the thread and is placed underneath the needle in the sewing machine. The thread is wound onto the bobbin and then placed into the bobbin case, which is located beneath the needle plate. As the machine runs, the bobbin rotates and feeds the thread to the needle, allowing the top thread and bobbin thread to stitch together and create a seam.

Bobbin classes

Here are some common classes of sewing machine bobbins:

  1. Class 15: This is a popular size for home sewing machines. Class 15 bobbins are approximately 20.5mm in diameter and 11.5mm thick.
  2. Class 66: This size is commonly used in Singer machines. Class 66 bobbins are approximately 20mm in diameter and 10mm thick.
  3. Class 90: This size is larger and is used in industrial sewing machines. Class 90 bobbins are approximately 47.6mm in diameter and 22.2mm thick.
  4. Class L: This size is used in some older Singer machines. Class L bobbins are approximately 20mm in diameter and 10mm thick.
  5. Class M: This size is used in long-arm quilting machines. Class M bobbins are approximately 25mm in diameter and 11mm thick.

It’s important to use the correct size and type of bobbin recommended by the manufacturer for your sewing machine to ensure proper functioning and avoid damage to the machine.


Bobbins can be made of either plastic or metal. Plastic bobbins are the most common type and are used in most modern sewing machines. They are lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to use. Metal bobbins are used in some industrial sewing machines and are more durable than plastic bobbins.


When purchasing bobbins, it’s essential to make sure they are compatible with your sewing machine. The wrong size or type of bobbin can cause the machine to malfunction, resulting in poor stitching or even damage to the machine.


The thread used with bobbins can vary, but it’s important to match the weight and type of the top thread to the bobbin thread. Using different types of thread can result in poor stitching, thread breakage, and other issues.

Bobbin winding

Winding the bobbin correctly is essential for the sewing machine to operate correctly. Incorrectly wound bobbins can result in uneven stitches, thread breakage, and other problems. Always refer to the sewing machine manual for specific instructions on winding bobbins.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, bobbins are an essential part of any sewing machine. Understanding the different types of bobbins, materials, compatibility, and correct bobbin winding techniques can help you get the most out of your sewing machine. By taking the time to learn about bobbins, you can ensure that your sewing projects are beautiful and well-crafted.

Be sure to check with your sewing machine to know which bobbin to use! Using the wrong bobbins can damage your sewing machine.

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