Fabrics · Sewing

You can’t use up fabric scraps. The more you use, the more you seem to have!!

You can’t use up fabric scraps. The more you use, the more you seem to have!! There’s a phenomenon that many enthusiasts sewers and quilters have experienced firsthand: the mysterious abundance of fabric scraps. Despite efforts to whittle down the stash, it often seems that the more scraps you use, the more appear. But far from being a burden, these remnants hold a world of creative possibilities. In this post, we’ll explore why you can’t seem to use up fabric scraps and how embracing them can lead to endless inspiration.

You can’t use up fabric scraps. The more you use, the more you seem to have!!

You can't use up fabric scraps. The more you use, the more you seem to have!! There's a phenomenon that many enthusiasts sewers and quilters have experienced firsthand: the mysterious abundance of fabric scraps. Despite efforts to whittle down the stash, it often seems that the more scraps you use, the more appear. But far from being a burden, these remnants hold a world of creative possibilities. In this post, we'll explore why you can't seem to use up fabric scraps and how embracing them can lead to endless inspiration.

The Ripple Effect of Creativity:

  • Just like the old adage about love, the more you give, the more you receive, the same holds true for creativity. Using fabric scraps ignites a spark of innovation that ripples through your projects, leading to more ideas and more creations.
  • As you delve into your stash of fabric scraps, you may discover combinations and patterns you hadn’t considered before, opening up new avenues for exploration.

Transforming Waste into Wonder:

  • In a world increasingly conscious of waste, finding ways to repurpose and upcycle materials has become a priority for many. Fabric scraps offer the perfect opportunity to do just that.
  • By using up fabric scraps in your projects, you’re not only reducing waste but also adding value to materials that might otherwise have been discarded. It’s a win-win situation for both your creativity and the environment.

Blog posts with scrap fabric listed below.

Cultivating Resourcefulness:

  • Working with fabric scraps forces you to think outside the box and find creative solutions to design challenges. Limited by the size and shape of the scraps, you’re encouraged to innovate and adapt, honing your skills in the process.
  • This resourcefulness extends beyond the realm of crafting, empowering you to approach other aspects of life with a similar mindset of making the most of what you have.

Building a Community of Creativity:

  • The love for fabric scraps is a shared experience among crafters and sewists worldwide. Engaging with others who appreciate the potential of these humble remnants can foster a sense of community and camaraderie.
  • Whether through online forums, social media groups, sewing blogs, quilting blogs or local crafting circles, connecting with fellow enthusiasts can inspire and motivate you to explore new ideas and techniques.

Scrap Fabric Blog Posts:

10 Things to Sew With Scrap Fabric

10 More Things to Sew With Scrap Fabric

How I store my scrap fabric

I’m not a fabric horder…l just run a rescue for homeless fabric

Random Scrap Quilt

Scrap fabric swap

Scrap fabric vase

Use scrap fabric to stuff a stuffed animal


Fabric scraps may seem like a never-ending supply, but rather than viewing them as a burden, embrace them as a source of inspiration and creativity. By using up these remnants in your projects, you’ll not only unlock endless possibilities but also contribute to a more sustainable approach to crafting. So the next time you find yourself swimming in fabric scraps, remember: the more you use, the more you seem to have!

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