Crafts · Repurposing

Repurposing empty Oui Yogurt glass cups

Repurposing empty Oui Yogurt glass cups – Once finished and enjoyed your Oui yogurt, just remove the decals, wash and clean the jars and now they are ready for repurposing. #Oui

Repurposing empty Oui Yogurt glass cups

Repurposing refers to the process of taking something that has been used for one purpose and finding a new use or application for it.

Once finished and enjoyed your Oui yogurt, just remove the decals, wash and clean the jars and now they are ready for repurposing. #Oui

Repurposing can be an effective way to reduce waste and extend the life of a product or resource. It can also be a creative way to solve a problem or meet a need in a new and innovative way.

In recent years, repurposing has become a popular approach to sustainability, as it allows individuals and organizations to find new uses for existing resources rather than relying solely on new production or consumption. Repurposing can also be a cost-effective solution, as it often involves using resources that are already available rather than purchasing new ones.

Empty glass Oui yogurt cups can be repurposed in many creative ways. Here are a some ideas:

  1. Candle holders: Clean out the yogurt cups and fill them with wax and a wick to create cute candle holders.
  2. Mini planters: Use the yogurt cups as mini planters for small succulents or herbs. You can decorate the cups with paint or stickers to add some personality.
  3. Storage containers: The small size of the cups make them perfect for storing small items such as paperclips, rubber bands, or buttons.
  1. DIY bird feeders: Cut a small hole in the side of the yogurt cup, fill it with birdseed, and hang it outside for a DIY bird feeder.
  2. Snack cups: Clean out the cups and use them to portion out snacks like trail mix, pretzels, or fruit.
  3. Arts and crafts: Use the cups as paint cups or for holding craft supplies like beads, sequins, or googly eyes.
  4. DIY snow globes: Fill the yogurt cups with small toys or decorations, add water and glitter, and seal the lid to make a homemade snow globe.
  5. Popsicle molds: Use the yogurt cups as molds for homemade popsicles. Simply fill them with your favorite juice, yogurt, or smoothie mix and freeze.
  6. Desk organizer: Place several yogurt cups in a tray or container to create a desk organizer for pens, pencils, paperclips, and other small items.
  7. Party decorations: Clean and decorate the yogurt cups with party-themed stickers, ribbons, or wrapping paper to use as mini vases, holders for party favors or snacks, or even as part of a DIY photo booth.
  8. Bath salts or scrubs: Fill the yogurt cups with homemade bath salts or sugar scrubs and give them as gifts or use them for your own at-home spa day.
  9. DIY chalkboard labels: Paint the outside of the yogurt cups with chalkboard paint and use them as labels for jars, storage containers, or even as place settings for a party.
  10. Kids’ crafts: Use the yogurt cups as a base for creating puppets, masks, or other crafts with children.
  11. Travel containers: The small size of the cups makes them perfect for holding small amounts of products like shampoo, conditioner, or lotion when traveling.
  12. Ice cube trays: Use the yogurt cups to freeze small portions of sauces, pesto, or baby food, and then pop them out to store in a freezer-safe container.
  13. Grease Jar: Use the empty glass yogurt cup to collect your bacon grease in.
  14. Paint Cups: Put your paint on these to Odin your projects with.

I hope these suggestions give you some inspiration but with a little imagination, there are endless possibilities for repurposing empty Oui yogurt cups!

If you have other suggestions, feel free to share in the comments below. Also feel free to share about any on the list that you may have made.

If you don’t repurpose than please recycle these glass jars.

How to Remove the Oui Yogurt labels

There are a few different methods you can try to remove the labels from a Oui yogurt glass container:

  1. Soak the container in hot, soapy water for about 15-20 minutes to loosen the label. Then, use a scrub brush or a sponge to gently scrub away the label.
  2. Apply a small amount of cooking oil, such as vegetable or olive oil, to the label and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a cloth or sponge to wipe away the label and any residue.
  3. Try using a hair dryer on high heat to warm up the label, which can help it peel off more easily. Use a plastic or metal scraper to gently remove the label and any remaining adhesive.
  4. Another option is to use a product specifically designed for removing labels, such as Goo Gone or WD-40. Apply a small amount of the product to the label and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a cloth or sponge.

Remember to be careful when using any of these methods, and always test on a small area first to make sure they don’t damage the glass.

Tip: Use Press ‘N Seal to seal the repurposed containers, where needed.

FYI: Oui is Yes in French.

First published February 19, 2023. Last updated or republished March 14, 2023.

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